I have a practice of closing a browser whenever I see an ad or content that I don’t like, Its kind of a fun principle that I practice because it feels like a personal way to offer the middle finger to sites attempting to force attention onto their ads. On the flip side, I will often click ads on sites I like, to help support the sites through ad revenue.

Probably needless to say I have been staying away from myspace because I am unable to do anything on that site without running into ugly, flashing, popping, shock value, abusive ad content. It feels like 50% of everything you see on myspace is advertising attempting to further numb previously blinded consumer minds.

This week I have found a solution, and it is humorous in its cute simplicity! I am allready using firefox not only because Mozilla rocks, but also because internet explorer is worthless (don’t you just love the subjective logic). I stopped to think ‘wait a moment Jack, aren’t there add-ons out there to stop all of this?’. Yes, the answer is, there certainly are!

Jacks myspace screenshot with no ads

These are the two add-ons that I have installed this week, I’ll post some screen caps to show how nude myspace has become for me.



In order to send insults to myspace now I guess I’ll have to hotlink their images.
