Now that we are announced on facebook, I think its time we blog together too!

I think I want to do away with one of the columns over -=> Yonder

I think for the archives, I just want to have pictures and single words or ‘sound bytes’ reffering to other posts and not the callendar thing.

We can change the colors, although I think I would likt to use orange and a blue/turquoise as our colors.

That butterfly guy^ up there should certainly be replaced with your moose schematic.

And we really need to fix fonts, thats certainly your domain.

I loves you }: *

I’m going to go curl up and cuddle with you now, its late, thankfully a quite productive evening.

Ooo yeah, the other blog posts were just a couple of (should have been) quick toss-ups from our IM convo’s, and quoting from the source page, to see how this program worked.. was fun, but it is also quite adjustable.

Love you again! }:>
