Happy (Belated) Birthday, MST3K!
So, it turns out that one of the funniest shows evar, Mystery Science Theater 3000, celebrated their 20th birthday on November 24! I think I’ll have a small marathon tonight; my own personal commemoration of an exceptional show! I’m so drooling over the 20th Anniversary Edition DVD, but so it is, with me and expensive things…

‘Mystery Science Theater’ was a primer on exceptional writing. It proved in a profound manner that you don’t ever have to pander or dumb a joke down to make people laugh. Smart humor is good humor and even if half the room is scratching their heads at a Frida Kahlo joke, the other half of the room is thinking it’s the greatest thing ever because, seriously, it’s a Frida Kahlo joke! Who the hell makes Frida Kahlo jokes? Everyone who’s ever gotten an MST joke that rendered the rest of the room silent knows what a great feeling it is, like you just earned your PhD in cultural awesomeness.

Quoted from The Park Bench
P.S. You can view my top 5 episodes list here. So good!