Happy Tuesday

Well, I am busy busy busy today! But I wanted to drop a quick note. We had a great weekend! Saturday I checked out the Brooklyn Museum’s Free First Saturdays and saw our friend, Lexi, win a great Art Battle! Then Sunday was spent with Rei and Drew. We met up at...

Beers and Rainbows

I drank a good bit this weekend… more than I have in a while. We met up Friday night with some of Rei’s Fordham friends and played card games late into the night/early morning. I then woke up late, Saturday, and headed off to Studio Square for a...

MTA Routes Lost to Time

As the V and W train routes are phased out AM New York takes a look back at the numerous changes and reorganization of routes. Changing demographics, budget issues and big construction jobs force planners to perpetually tinker with the subway routes, said Lunden, an...