New York Subway 1986

There are a few touches, here and there, that remind you this was 25 years ago, but really, scrub away the graffiti and it looks remarkably like the current station! Via The Daily What

If This Was New York

A recent NYC-to-San Francisco transplant realized that New Yorkers have a very different way of doing things. Situation: I tried to get on BART this morning, but my Clipper Card (like a Metro Card) wasn’t working. The agent in the booth saw that I had a problem, and...

Farewell, New York…

And so, tomorrow we leave the city. I’ve been here a full four years now. Four years sounds so short, but much like New York itself, it has been extreme dense and full. I truly love this city, but it is time to move on and take this adventure elsewhere; all the way to...

Down to the Wire

Sorry about lacking in the posting department yesterday. Woke up feeling pretty yucky and then had to go to my doctor’s appointment (annual checkup). Jack and I did go see Inception for the second time late last night at the Ziegfeld. If you have the chance I...

Classical in the Park

Just saw the parents off, but we’ll be seeing them back in Atlanta very soon! Though I worked yesterday I was able to steal away for lunch at the Chelsea Market, where we ate at Friedman’s Lunch. After work we met Rei, Jessie and Drew at the Great Lawn in...