Every Person in New York
Jason Polan is a crazy guy. But, crazy in a great, great way. Mr. Polan is setting out to draw every person in the city of New York! This is the wonderful next step after his completion of drawing every piece of art in MOMA (the book, of which, would make a great birthday present *wink, wink*). I shall be on the lookout, on his blog, for myself and Jack.

I am trying to draw every person in New York. I will be drawing people everyday and posting as frequently as I can. It is possible that I will draw you without you knowing it. I draw in Subway stations and museums and restaurants and on street corners. I try not to be in the way when I am drawing or be too noticeable. Whenever I have a new batch of drawings I will post them on this blog.

When the project is completed we will all have a get together.

Via Boing Boing