The Patient Gardener

Stockholm-based VisionDivision conducted a week-long workshop at the Politecnico di Milano, in Milan, Italy, in which guest professors conducted an exploration for students to consider the impact of the fast-paced lifestyle on ecology and environmental issues in architecture. The result was “The Patient Gardener“, a structure consisting of ten Japanese cherry trees which is the main building material for the construction of a two-story retreat. bending, twisting, pruning and grafting will be used to control and develop the growth of the building over time. the trees, chosen because of the time of year and good suitability for the project, were planted around in an 8 meter diameter ring.

A simple maintenance plan and instructs will be passed on to future gardeners. the final result can be enjoyed on the campus within 80 years.

The Patient Gardener
The Patient Gardener

Via Architecture of Happiness