Saturday, Day-o-Jersey

Hoboken Brunch with Aunt Cathy at Amanda’s. Phone issues. Diana & Rei. The Path. Newark Rob’s party. Grocery shopping. Guacamole & vodka watermelon. Garden of Freedom. Kiddie pool collapsed when kids actually showed up. Driving & getting lost....

A Simple May Weekend

Nothing fancy, but it was a great weekend! In no particular order: Brunch, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, cleaning, collaging, DUMBO, Columbus Circle, and a little bit of drinking. Also, another “Happy Mother’s...

Greenport, LI

Well, this weekend couldn’t have been any better if we had actually planned it! Saturday: Jack and I went with our tried and true method of taking a train to the end of its line and seeing what’s there. This time the LIRR! The plan was Montauk (where Jim...

New Toy

Although I took a trip out to Astoria (Studio Square rocks!) and saw a great little gallery opening in Chinatown, I spent most of my weekend with the above; organizing and moving over files from the old compy, rewatching Twin Peaks and Cannibal! The Musical, enjoying...