Shiny Suds

Humor and a message! The video is an amusing piece of animated propaganda from Method to drive interest in the Household Labeling Act, which would require cleaning products to list all their ingredients on their labels. Via The Consumerist

Doggie Gaga Project

The flood gates opened up at work yesterday and I wasn’t mentally prepared! And March decided to get all chilly again, which makes me unhappy… Thankfully this series, by Jesse Freidin, gave me a much needed chuckle! The flowers, Jack bought me, also help...

Go Fighting Acrylics!

“Hey sports fans, here’s my NCAA pick: bet it all on the Savannah College of Art & Design. Go Fighting Acrylics!” Now that’s a way better mascot than the bees! I’m thinking I should make a mock-up of that… Via Conan...