Origami castle-ware

Dishes perfectly matched to our cardboard furniture. Entered in designboom’s Dining in 2015 design contest, the idea is simple: when you’re having a party, pick up a handful of “sheets” of cups and bowls at your local market, fold, and enjoy....

More bird painting

I have been in such a painting mood recently and it’s great! I’m trying to see how many of these bird watercolors I can crank out. Painting birds seems so odd, too, because I’m usually so much more interested in people (and portraiture, more...


This almost makes me want to run out now and buy a Wii! Check out the “well-paid” commercial (I would love a copy of the Trogdor phonics game, too!). From the press release: SAN RAFAEL, CA, April 10, 2008 – Interactive entertainment pioneer Telltale,...

Peacock Painting & Ruler Frame

I haven’t been so happy with a final product in a while! The peacock is another watercolor painting and the frame is, obviously enough, made from a bunch of found wooden rulers. (Those were a wonderful find and I’m glad I’m finally being able to use...