Riusuke Fukahori “Goldfish Salvation”

I am speechless! When struggling with artistic vision, Fukahori’s pet goldfish became his inspiration and ever since his passion and lifelong theme. His unique style of painting uses acrylic on clear resin which is poured into containers, resulting in a...

Garden Facade

2012 Architecten gives us a great example of how to creatively use an area, that others might see as worthless, and give the community a beautiful, lively space! The architects were asked to design a public artwork that would span the expanse of the building facade...

It’s the 14th!

…And we all know what that means! I thought I’d jump ahead a day into Wednesday’s area of music, because I wanna hear some love songs! One of Jack and my songs “Little Bit” by Lykke Li. My parents’ song “Bus Stop” by The...