When it comes to computer games, I would have to say my favorite genre would be “point-and-click” (closely followed by old-school first-person-shooters, but that’s a different post). Back in the day, I played the hell out of Myst and, its sequel, Riven. I love being able to explore buildings, rooms, etc., solving puzzles, without worrying about time limits or attacking bad guys. Just me and the environment. Might sound dull as moss to some, but to each there own.

In an attempt to remain frugal, these days, I’ve been on the lookout for great free games that I wouldn’t have to download. (I’m at work and I don’t need to clutter up my work compy). In my search I’ve found some really great games (Dwarf Complete, Vision), but I just finished up on this wonderful series called Submachine. It consists of six games, uniquely designed by Mateusz Skutnik, and are highly addictive! Some are much shorter and easier, while others require to meander from area to area to solve. My favorite would have to be 4 or 5. Happy gaming!

Found via Casual Gameplay