I probably freaked out my coworkers by how loud I was laughing at these. I think I just might be one of them! I’ve picked out a few of may favorites from each.

2. You get pissed when a free Photoshop brush you download is less than 1000px in size.

7. You’ve learned your lesson and stopped using the word “final” in any file name when saving.

10. You see CMYK and RGB like Neo sees the Matrix.

12. When you heard that Adobe was acquiring Macromedia, you had a Design Orgasm.

16. You’ve totally slaughtered a great design concept because the client thinks he/she knows best. (everyone thinks they are a designer)

23. You can’t go to a restaurant without secretly critiquing the menu design.

24. You have an amazingly huge font collection, and an amazingly short temper.

25. If you had a penny for every mouse click, you would have been a trillionaire 3 years ago.

25 Reasons You Might Be A Hardcore Graphic/Web Designer

4.You’ve requested a vector logo from a client, and instead, they email you a 72 dpi image they grabbed from a website.

6. You don’t have a favorite font because you love “Typography.” Not Fonts. Choosing a favorite font would be like choosing a favorite child, it’s just wrong.

7. You collect as many free stuffs from the interwebs as you can on your hard drive, hoping that one day, that cool project will come along that you can actually use some cool shit on.

11. You’ve had a client that insists on “filling up the space.”

12. You’ve learned to over-price web design projects because most clients are more picky about their websites than a high school girl picking out a prom dress.

14. You know keyboard shortcuts that require 4 fingers.

18. The only thing that would make you happier than the demise of IE6 is world peace.

23. You get phone calls from friends and family members on a regular, sometimes annoyingly-frequent basis, wanting your services for free or extremely cheap. (and the “portfolio” line makes you want to throw something across the room)

25 MORE Reasons You Might Be A Hardcore Graphic/Web Designer

Found on Monoscope | I wish I could remember where the above picture came from!