The 100 Thing Challenge
I feel I am a combination of both my parents when it come to holding on and letting go of things. I have a tough time parting with sentimental objects or things that I’m worried I will need again but I’m really not using at the moment. But then, I have bursts of everything-must-go-itis, getting so frustrated with the clutter that all I can do is throw nearly everything into a big black bag.

Though I like the idea of narrowing all I own down to 100, I’m not so sure I could do it. All those photographs and art projects… hmmm. What’s more along my lines is probably the New York couple who said they would “within a year to have only things that we use daily in our apartment.”

If nothing else this TIMES article is very motivational and got me thinking about what things are really important.
Via Dark Roast Blend