All About Pugs
Jack works near a pet store and the other day I spied the most adorable pug puppy Sadly, I was not able to get a photo (he could not hold still!), but the above picture looks a lot like him. I almost melted into the sidewalk. We’ve been playfully talking about getting one for a long time, but it just isn’t feasible right now. I felt like doing a little bit of research for kicks, anywho. What fun little creatures!

It wasn’t until the end of the 1500s and early 1600s that China began trading with European countries such as Portugal, Spain, Holland and England. Small dogs presented as gifts returned from the Orient with the traders, and thus began the rise of the Pug type of dog in popularity in Europe. The Chinese had often interbred among the three types of dogs they favored, and so many times breeders would find a long haired Pug among a litter of puppies, as well as those with white spots on the head. But it is important to note that at this time, “breeds” of dogs were not recognized. Attempts to “recreate” dogs of this type are really only recreating a mutt or mix of dogs with similar characteristics. The definition of a “breed” is that the animals reproduce themselves in their offspring.

A major impact on the Pug breed in the 1800s occurred when, in 1860, two Pugs of “pure” Chinese lines were brought to England. These two dogs, Lamb and Moss, produced a son named Click, and Click..well, he clicked! Click was bred many times, and his blood helped to mix the Willoughby and Morrison lines making Pugs a better breed overall and shaping the modern Pug of today as we know it.

Quoted from PugsCom

The stern expression of the Pug belies its true sense of fun. Pugs are sociable dogs, and usually stubborn about certain things, but they are playful, charming, clever and are known to succeed in dog obedience skills. Pugs are sensitive to the tone of a human voice, so harsh punishment is generally unnecessary. While Pugs usually get along well with other dogs and pets, they generally prefer the company of humans and require a great deal of human attention; they may become slightly anxious or agitated if their owner ignores them or does not play with them; however some may happily occupy themselves when the owner is away. In general, they are very attentive dogs, always at their owner’s feet, in their lap, or following them from room to room (so be careful where you step).

Pugs are usually friendly dogs who seem to have a special affinity with children.

Quoted from Wikipedia

Photo from Michael Online Pet Shop (Japanese).