What if Jack Kerouac had GPS and Yelp?

Ari N. Schulman dives in to the impact navigational technology has on our sense of adventurous travel. GPS navigation, in its present form, …dulls our receptivity to our surroundings by granting us the supposed luxury of not having to pay attention to them at all. In...

Geeky Laws of the Internet

A few of my favs from this Wired article. Happy Monday! (HOLY CARP, THIS IS OUR LAST WEEK! EEK!) 1. Munroe’s Law: A person in a geeky argument who can quote xkcd to support his position automatically wins the argument. This law supersedes Godwin, so that even if the...


I first heard about iamamiwhoami a few months ago and was quite intrigued, along with rest of the internet. There are tons of theories about who this could possibly be (she sure does looks a lot like Jonna Lee), who’s backing it and what the videos mean (wood...


I honestly can’t think of a company that’s more integrated into my daily life like Google is. Abhigyan realized this and recently had a “Week of Discovering Alternatives For Google’s Services.” I was shocked with what I saw. I was practically...