
I didn’t even realize until late last night that I didn’t update the blog! Obviously, not a lots riding on this… it just felt strange. Had a busy night last night; went to a gallery opening for Iain Faulkner at the Eleanor Ettinger Gallery, and saw a...

Clare Caulfield

These paintings, by Clare Caulfield, are so eye-catching and full of life! She is fascinated by architecture be it the Midtown skyscrapers of Manhattan, The Grand Canal Venice or simply capturing Parisian life outside a brightly canopied pavement café, from which she...

Icons Without Costumes

So many great shots from Empire Magazine’s 20th anniversary! The magazine “trotted the globe to deliver you 27 of the planet’s biggest stars, recreating iconic performances from two decades in film” Full Gallery | Via io9

Andrew Zuckerman: Bird

Happy Monday! We had a calm and peaceful Thanksgiving; hope everyone’s was a good one! Over the weekend I found Andrew Zuckerman’s glorious Bird site! Jack and I spent an hour or so the other night going through the whole gallery. Via Design is...