Robinson New York

A few months back Jack and I went on a bit of a book buying spree from the Strand discount bins. It was really neat some of the treasure we found, but I think my favorite find would have to be a picture book of highly detailed illustrations of New York. It was printed...

It’s a Neverending Story

Ah, the work day is coming to a close; and even though they are predicted rain for a while, I’m looking forward to a chill but fun weekend. Above is my favorite book, The Neverending Story by Michael Ende. I’m rereading it for the 800th time.

Oh the excitement! Oh the concern!

I’m so torn! I love and trust Spike Jonze to do the amazing job he always has, but I have a thing against really short children’s books being made into feature length films; what Jack calls “The Cat in the Hat Treatment.” My curiosity is peaked...

Books and Birds

Even though I got a little sick this weekend, it was a very very nice one. I woke up Saturday and went through old sketches I had scanned in high school and college for any untapped ideas and thought I should get back in the habit of having a sketchbook/journal again....